COVID-19 Safety Plan
As we get closer to the opening day of our programs, we will work with health officials to set protocols based on the most recent COVID-19 modeling and data.
The following procedures have been set in place to create a safe environment for our spectators, volunteers, vendors, singers, and dancers, during all our events.
New training programs have been provided to volunteers and contractors instructing them on how to stay safe and keep spectators safe. Hand sanitation and hand washing stations will be installed in multiple locations around the venue as space permits.
Volunteers and contractors will be instructed to wear face coverings, as appropriate, per CDC guidelines.
Spectators will be required to wear face coverings at all times when not eating or drinking.
Touch-free or contactless payment options will be provided for admission and encouraged to be used by our vendors.
Volunteers and contractors will be provided with personal protective equipment as per CDC guidelines. Temperature checks will be performed at the beginning of each shift.
Spectators, volunteers and contractors who have been diagnosed or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will be prohibited from entering the premises.
Informative signage will be posted at entrances and throughout the theaters to remind spectators to adhere to the guidelines provided by the CDC.
Entrance and exit points will be established. Guests will be asked to adhere to traffic instructions to minimize close contact with others.
All self-serve items have been removed from the food concessions and will be provided to spectators upon request.
Volunteers and contractors will be required to monitor guests to enforce social distancing and prevent gatherings.
Spectators will be instructed to utilize sanitation stations before and after consuming food and drinks.
All commercial vendors will be required to wear facial coverings the entire time of the event in compliance with the guidelines that are in place.
Volunteers and contractors will be required to clean and sanitize all contact surfaces between performances throughout the grounds.
All high touch areas are sanitized at regular intervals during each days’ operation.
Seating areas throughout the theaters are reconfigured to promote social distancing.
Anywhere there is the potential for people to stand in a line, queuing instructions (i.e. signage) and devices shall be used to instruct patrons to maintain safe distances from one another.
New procedures have been implemented to increase cleaning and sanitization frequency.
Food service areas will adhere to the guidelines set forth by the CDC for restaurants and dining services.